Here's Tom's sales flap bus which we built towards the end of last year. When Tom picked it up the weather was rubbish and we didn't get any good photos. Now the sun's out I thought I'd try again
When the bus arrived it didn't look too bad
..........but as with any old split the holes soon started to appear as we got stuck into the bodywork
we manufactured a sales flap based on Tom's needs
and then stuck it in the booth for prep and paint
and here it is, looking superb in it's new colours .........the interior is nearly ready to hit the streets ...........the interior of the 'sales flap'............and open for business ............look out around Newquay this summer and you should see this great bus
Over the past 8 years we have restored countless VWs back to their former glory. Whilst we have always maintained a photographic record of all our work, only our customers saw the pictures. We thought it was about time we opened the workshop and let everyone see what we are doing.