Lots going on here at the moment. We still have a few major projects on the go but plenty of routine stuff as well.
Jeff has just about finished the brakes on Paul's ratty split. A new CSP master cylinder kit, discs, callipers and all new hard and soft lines have been fitted. Thanks to Retrodubs for all the parts.
Mike and Sue's bus is now being fitted up by Chris and Sam.
Jem is burried under a load of rust under this split
Jeff upgraded the ignition system on this type4 engined bay with lots of
new kit whilst Sam has done a full assessment for sorting out any poorly metalwork prior to paint.
Pauls Hightop rolled in with mashed-up reduction boxes. The bus will now stay with us and get a full IRS conversion
Matt's been getting covered in dust sorting out Mike and Sue's doors. It's not a pretty picture so I'll spare you that!