I think my flash is bust! The (dark) photo below shows some of the buses in at the moment - lots of them! Lots of people getting their rides ready for the summer - lets hope we get the weather this year.
Kates bus is first on the ramp on Monday and James will be fitting a new servo, master cylinder, shocks and some CV joints. I'll be sorting some of the interior out.
Simons old '57 will be getting some love and attention - lots of attention - it's here until we get it roadworthy. First tasks are...................dropped spindles, sorting out the straight axle conversion, wiring, brakes, fuel tank and engine.
The double door sunroof kombi will also be sorted next week. Jeff has sorted the electrics, Sam is next on the welding and the over to James for general MOT work.
I'll be putting windows, interior panels, oak flooring and lots more in Marni's bus