The 1959 microbus is back in to have it's window apertures sorted and the front doors fitted with all new seals. The original seals are like concrete having baked in the sun for 48 years. We'll sort out any rust we find and blow-in the repairs in Dove Blue
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
The Silver Car - Can you tell what it is yet??????
A new project for the workshop this one. Something a little different - It doesn't have to be a VW does it? I'll let you guess what it is....................
The 1959 microbus is back in to have it's window apertures sorted and the front doors fitted with all new seals. The original seals are like concrete having baked in the sun for 48 years. We'll sort out any rust we find and blow-in the repairs in Dove Blue
The 1959 microbus is back in to have it's window apertures sorted and the front doors fitted with all new seals. The original seals are like concrete having baked in the sun for 48 years. We'll sort out any rust we find and blow-in the repairs in Dove Blue