A quick update. Lots going on here at the moment and still slowly sorting the new unit.
Our next meet is on Sunday 5th June from 1200. Lots of cool stuff turning up - hope to see you and your car/van
Matt and James are working hard in the booth - lots of paintjobs to do
Shannon is busy on customers' engines and oily bits
Lots of stuff coming in for MOT work and pre summer checks
Cool tinted windows now fitted to Phil's syncro
Bug in for steering issues and window fitting
our neighbours keep teasing us with stuff like this. This 2 litre chop will be at the next meet. You've got to see and hear this monster
Finishing touches on the '56. just got to sort the rear brakes for MOT
Lots of bling going on to Gary's bus. Deluxe trim, safaris, popouts, stainless badge and all new rubbers
'59 in for electrical work
later split in for a thorough going over
That's it for now. remember the meet on the 5th of June - really hope to see you there.