A busy week last week - here's just a few of the visitors........
This bug was in for an MOT, tune up and door and window rubbers
This hot 15 window arrived on an RAC truck. We replaced a destroyed fan, gave the motor a good service, sorted the throttle linkage and tuned the carbs. Result..........one happy customer with a very fast bus!
our old '68 westy is back after a couple of years in storage. Fresh brakes and a few niggles sorted and ready for MOT
This late bay will not be a quick fix - a gust of wind has torn the roof off the bus - we are waiting for the insurance guys to give the go ahead
.........the routine stuff goes on and we are now making a last push to get Ross and Brenda's bus ready for paint. Photo below shows Sam welding up the bench seat ready for Colin to trim
..........it's been here a while now and it will be good to see the bus in paint soon.
.............and here's this weeks work. Buses 5-deep in 2 rows outside the workshop! Bring it on!